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Good Manufacturing Practices

This program guarantees that our products are processed under strict personal hygiene guidelines with an adequate equipment and facilities. Ensuring that your packaging will be delivered without any kind of contaminant.

Our staff is trained in the application of good manufacturing practices, having an effective pest prevention process. So thanks to this control, all of our processes and raw materials are certified to be in contact with food.

All our staff complies with the necessary hygienic practices; counting with the right work clothes, protective equipment, constant hand washing and so forth.

We have a cleaning schedule for equipment and facilities that includes daily, weekly, monthly and annual activities; carried out responsibly by operational staff, supervisors and managers.

Certified under the international standard for quality management systems ISO 9001: 2015 we have quality plans, procedures and work instructions to meet customers’ expectations. Within our procedure for product preservation, we’ve established a methodology for protection in the different productive stages and proper storage.

All of our raw materials have quality certificates that validate their use for the manufacture of packaging that will be in contact with food.

Complies with the necessary requirements to process food packaging: equipment with sanitary design, appropriate facilities (design and materials), plant distribution, staff facilities, proper waste management and proper drainage system.

We have programs to eliminate pests such as: insects and rodents. It includes among others: maintenance of the facilities, fumigations, traps, sieves on doors and windows and waste management.

Our procedures and instructions for the administration of warehouses are well defined, such as the proper handling of products or packaging materials, inventory control; cleaning, order, decrease of damages and deterioration.